iAd for Brands

Tap into the Apple audience.

iAd reaches millions of iPhone and iPod touch users around the world in their favorite apps. With the iAd Network, you get access to the Apple audience, the world’s most engaged, passionate and loyal consumer. This audience:

  • Has installed more than 7 billion applications
  • Has activated over 160 million iTunes accounts
  • Downloads 200 new apps every second worldwide
  • Spends, on average, 30 minutes per day using apps
  • Sets trends and shares with family and friends
Each ad is shown within the many thousands of apps in the network only to the audience you want to reach. Our highly-effective targeting uses unique interest and preference data that taps into passions relevant for your brand. Whether they are reading the news, playing a game or checking the local weather, your ad will make an impact.

Every brand has a great story to tell

iAd advertising combines the storytelling power of TV with the interactivity of digital for something entirely new. You can now create ads that captivate your audience wherever they are, within their favorite apps. With the iAd logo on each banner, the audience knows a great experience awaits them. They can tap with confidence knowing that entering an immersive ad doesn’t have to mean leaving their app.

Because iAd is built into iOS 4, the innovative mobile operating system that powers iPhone and iPod touch, you can incorporate a variety of rich user experiences in your ad.  This allows users to:

  • Download an app or buy iTunes content from the iAd
  • Save screen images to photo albums
  • View in-line audio and video in a custom frame
  • Save coupons, barcodes, recipes or branded wallpaper
  • Find nearby stores and get in-depth information
  • Share content via twitter without leaving the ad
Gain understanding beyond impressions

iAd campaign reporting goes far beyond the standard measurements of exposure and clicks. You get in-depth information throughout the course of your campaign, including average time spent, pages viewed and unique visitor metrics.

We continually optimize your iAd targeting so that your ad performs for your goals throughout your campaign. In addition, a complete wrap-up report provides key insights into user engagement, performance and best practices based on overall network results. By understanding user behavior, you can learn new things about your audience to hone your marketing strategy and further inspire them with your story.

Get Started Today

Learn how you can advertise on the iAd Network and reach the most engaged audience in mobile. Contact an iAd sales executive today.